Get Involved

Child Evangelism Fellowship ® (CEF) is a church-assist organization focused on evangelizing and teaching children ages 4-14. CEF Virginia trains ministry teams of volunteers to conduct evangelistic events. We serve churches and individuals by equipping them to fulfill the great commission as an ambassador for Christ – reconciling the lost with the message of the gospel.


Receive training and join a ministry team that works directly with children or provide hands-on support to a local group or be a sponsor church.


Like the churches and individuals that supported Paul and other missionaries, give to support CEF staff and volunteer workers so children can hear the gospel message.


Pray for the salvation and spiritual growth of children, the provision of God and the faithfulness, joy and welfare of workers as they seek to serve.

Making an Impact

Through our ministries like 5-Day Club, Christian Youth in Action, and Good News Club we are reaching hundreds of thousands of youth. Take a look at the impact we are making in Virginia and beyond.

What People Are Saying

CEF is hard at work spreading the news of the gospel.
Mark Ensell

Mark Ensell

As a school principal, there a few things that are always helpful and will be received well. If you can help us bring up test scores and limit the amount of discipline referrals, we are open to just about anything. And when the Good News Club came to our school that is exactly what happened.

Jonathan Falwell

Jonathan Falwell

They can help you be more intentional, more deliberate, in reaching your communities for Christ.

Kristyn Getty

Kristyn Getty

CEF is doing similar Good News Clubs all over the world. In fact it is in most countries.


Here is what is happening in our Virginia chapters

CYIA 2025

2025 CEF of Virginia Christchurch SchoolJune 15-June 21 $438: Includes room and board, training school, t-shirt, activities Christchurch Activities: Christchurch Benefits: Learn more about CYIA here. Click the button below to register.

More Precious Than Gold

This past week CEF Virginia hosted teens at CYIA Camp. While most people think of going to a Christian camp for spiritual renewal as a time of rest and contemplation to draw nearer to God, Read more…

Get in Touch

We are happy to respond

Find us at the office

P.O. Box 27723, Richmond, VA 23261

Give us a ring

804-359-4777  Mon – Fri, 8:00-5:00

Contact Us