Children respond to the Gospel by giving their life to Christ at a much higher rate than any other age group. In fact, statistics show that approximately 85% of Christians came to faith between the ages of 4 and 14. After the age of 19, someone’s chance of becoming a Christian drops to 6%!

CEF is the world’s largest evangelistic outreach to children. Among other ministries, we hold after school Good News Clubs to teach children Bible Lessons, memory verses, songs, and we share the Gospel with them. More importantly, we counsel those who indicate a desire to place their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior. Won’t you support our ministry as we reach into this fruitful harvest field?

Here are the ways that your gift will help propel us into the next 60 years:

  • Pioneering the Shenandoah Valley region by forming a committee and calling a Local Director
  • Pioneering the Mountain Empire region by forming a committee and calling a Local Director
  • Providing additional training support to our Good News Club team leaders
  • Increasing our Christian Youth in Action efforts, including year-round outreach to Christian teens
  • Supporting internships for college students interested in going into full-time ministry

Support Us Today

Our Mission Field: The 300,000+ elementary age children residing in Virginia.

Mission: To enlist, equip, and encourage qualified leaders who will fulfill the purpose of evangelizing, discipling in the Word of God and establishing children in a local church for Christian living.

The Urgency: Research indicates that 80% or children are not attending church to learn of God and his love. Children are 8 times more responsive to the gospel than teenagers. We must reach them during the 4-14 age window of opportunity.

The Strategy: We seek to reach children outside the church walls by assisting local churches with training, materials and methods to form teams who conduct our Good News Club, 5-Day Club, Party Clubs, and other outreach ministries in reaching kids outside church walls.

The Goal: To establish a Good News Club, after school, in each of the schools in all of the CEF Virginia chapters. In God’s will, we hope to give Every Child the opportunity to hear the gospel and receive Christ as Savior.

If we do not reach children
during the 4-14 age window,
95% of them will not be in heaven with you.

How will they hear? Who will go? Who will send workers?

Romans 10:14

Will you support the CEF of Virginia staff and church volunteer workers in reaching these children, giving them every opportunity to know the love of God?

Donate Online Or Send Checks To:

P.O. Box 27723,
Richmond, VA