When missionaries in a country closed to Christianity asked for support to go on a mission trip, I could not accept the request right away because it was like sending sheep in the midst of wolves. In this country it would put their lives at risk. The ministry is important, but considering the safety of the beloved workers, instead of giving permission right away, I decided we should pray about it.

One day as I prayed, God reminded me of His promise in Matthew 28:20, “I am with you always, to the end of the age.” The Lord said that He will be with us— not sometimes—but “always, to the end of the age.” Whether I am praying with a burdened heart or sleeping, the Lord is with His disciples who are dedicated to preaching the Gospel in the mission field. So I told the missionaries, “The Lord has promised to be with us not sometimes, but always. Go on the trip.”

The sheep were sent in the midst of the wolves, but the Lord had His plans.

They felt the hand of God as they served and joyfully came back with a plentiful harvest. Please pray for the safety of the workers who put their mission for the children in need of the Gospel before their own safety and are obeying their calling with faith in the Lord. And pray for the young lives who will be saved through this ministry.


Some church leaders are put in prison for the sake of the Gospel, for distributing the Bible. However, such persecution does not keep some missionaries from ministry. While on their way to GNCTM with a car trunk full of Bibles for children, they reached a checkpoint where cars were inspected one by one. But they were let through without even opening the trunk. On another day, they were in the back seats of a bus with a bag full of Bibles when an inspector got on the bus and started checking all the bags. The inspector came towards them and made eye contact. Then, he got off the bus without checking their bags.


Raja sat alone in GNC with a sad face. Though usually a happy boy, on this day he was heartbroken because his father had left his mother and was living with another woman and his father had beaten him. Raja said he did not want to live because he couldn’t watch his mother cry anymore. His GNC teacher was grateful God led Raja to GNC that day. She told him about God, who is love, and that He is always with Raja.

She encouraged him to thank God for his mother who loves him. As they talked, Raja’s face brightened. Now he regularly attends GNC.

Rev. Jeremiah Cho

Impact Magazine Winter 2022

Categories: Serve